swf2avi is a free video transcoder that will create AVI files or bitmap sequences of your Flash Video SWF files. All Macromedia Flash versions are supported, and the program automatically detects if your system is missing any frame during the conversion process, allowing you to create a container movie with all the frames you need to create a fully playable AVI file.
The functionality is limited but effective, resulting in a simple and self-explanatory interface, very easy to use by all kinds of users. swf2avi performs two basic operations – the video conversion from Flash Video to uncompressed AVI files, and the creation of a sequence of images representing each of the frames in the original file. This conversion is recommended by the program when some frames are found missing, though this option can be disabled by the user. These images can be saved either in BMP or JPG format. As a result of this, you can also use swf2avi to build your own AVI file from an existing sequence of BMP images.